The NCB Hybrid-Skirt™
The Hybrid-Skirt lure design blends together bucktail (deer) hair along with a rubber skirt. The bucktail, all of which is dyed in shop, is first hand tied onto the head of the lure. A rubber skirt is then overlaid on top, giving a unique multi-textured appearance rarely seen within the industry. The movement of the bucktail displays a "sinewy" motion, much like the fins and gills of a fish. This natural hair further works to conceal the hook, helping to mask any unnatural shine given off that may result in fish not biting. Additionally, the rubber skirt adds an outward flare to the bait, giving the illusion of a stocky appearance while retaining a nimble profile. Each lure is hand tied with high durability, waxed thread. No rubber bands are used.

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The NCB Advantage
Take a particular liking to one of our patterns? Good news, it's available in every lure style! When designing NCB color schemes, we set in place a standardized system of 30 patterns for each lure...

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